
Monday, March 11, 2013

Upcoming Presentations

Hi Folks-

Just wanted to give you an idea of where I will be the next few months:

March 23, 2013- EdCamp Access, organizing and facilitating a session or two. If you are in the Boston area and can come to this free unconference dedicated to ideas and issues in special education, please do. Click through to find out more about the EdCamp model and to register. I can attest that I learn a TON from innovative PD events such as EdCamps.

March 29, 2013- FREE Webinar for Advance for SLPs and Audiologists. "Pairing Picture Books with Apps to Contextually Address Language Objectives." This is a repeat of my ASHA 2012 session which was a lot of fun!

April 5-6, 2013- Indiana Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention- four sessions covering a variety of topics.

April 12, 2013- Manitoba Speech and Hearing Association Annual Conference-“'Out of the Box' iPad for SLPs- Apps Through a Language Lens!"

April 24, 2013- Social Thinking® Providers' Conference, Chicago, IL- "Social APPtivities- Adapting iPad Apps for Social Thinking"

July 13-14, 2013- ASHA Schools Conference- So excited to be presenting two sessions in Long Beach, CA! "One Digital Story at a Time: Apps to Target Narrative and Expository Language" and "'Out of the Box': Apps through a Language Lens"

Hope to see you around!

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