Thursday, November 29, 2012

QR Code Update: Make Audio-Based QRs with

In my previous series on using QR codes in speech and language intervention, we covered how clinicians can use this engaging visual strategy to easily "hide" text and images behind a code scannable by mobile devices.  The result is kind of a high-tech (but simple) hide and seek where stimuli related to articulation, vocabulary, sentence structure, narrative skills, you name it, can be accessed by your students.

I have seen some QR codes that, when scanned, play audio, and it occurred to me that this adds a really exciting dimension (and modality) to the potential uses of QR.  Think of it- you could create QR codes that will play verbal directions, informational material, even the students' own oral language (descriptions, storytelling, functional narration of a school tour or rationale for their art/writing project, etc).

So, though I am sure there must be other ways of doing this, one simple way I found is to use Record mp3.  This simple site uses a Flash-based tool (so, you will need to use your computer and NOT an iPad to access it) to let you make a simple recording. You will want to make sure your Flash is updated or you may have trouble or distorted audio.

It even tells you how right on the site:

Once you have recorded and saved the audio sample, the site gives you a link. From what you know about QR already (I hope a little bit, or you'll want to go to my series, read about it and watch the video tutorials), what do you do next? Go to a QR code generator such as Kaywa, copy and paste the link from Record mp3, and you have a QR code that plays audio when scanned.  Try using the app Scan to access mine below:

Now, go have fun with audio QRs!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Workshop in Detroit, Michigan area- seats available

I am excited to be going out to the Detroit area again in 2 weeks (12/7/12).  If you are looking for a workshop in iPad integration and are in the area, there are seats available for this session:

Current Topics in iPad Integration for Speech-Language Pathologists: Fall 2012 Update 
This workshop provides an update on available apps that are dedicated to speech-language therapy, as well as further models of repurposing of apps designed for gaming, visual exploration, organization, creation, and professional development for use in speech and language interventions. Additionally, an overview of emerging trends will be reviewed, including use of QR Codes, Augmented Reality, and use of ePub tools to create books within interventions. This workshop will also discuss the utilization of apps in social intervention for students with autism spectrum and related disorders. Time permitting, an App Smackdown activity will allow participants to briefly share apps that they have found useful in therapy, with facilitation and discussion by presenter.

Click here for registration information. Thanks!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012 Edublog Award Nominations

Each year I enjoy the Edublog Awards season, which is ostensibly a competition but really a reminder of the importance of social media in education.  For more on the history of the Edublog awards, click here.  In the past few years, quite a few of the SLPs participating in social media have represented in this event, as you can see in last year's ASHAsphere post.  I'd encourage SLPs who blog to nominate others; visibility and awareness of the work that SLPs do in education is very valuable. No matter who "wins," the annual event exposes all educators to a new list of passionate teachers.

Here's how you can nominate others, if you are a blogger and are interested.

Here's a link to Chris Bugaj's nomination post- Chris, thanks again for the nod.

So, short(listed), hopefully, and sweet, here are mine:

Best individual blog 
Speechie Apps by Aubrey Klingensmith is a great spot for app reviews, and kudos to Aubrey for tackling the task of helping SLPs incorporate Android apps as well as iOS, which I honestly have no desire to do! So glad I can send SLPs to her blog to explore this area.

Best group blog
ASHAsphere, the blog of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, features thoughtful blog posts from SLPs with a variety of viewpoints, in a variety of settings, working with a variety of populations. It's great food for thought and skillfully compiled, collected and elicited by Maggie McGary, ASHA's social media director.

Best new blog
Hanna B. gradstudentSLP explores a variety of topics close to my heart (executive function, social cognition, and apps) with humor and the wisdom of a...wait, Hanna's a grad student still??

Best ed tech / resource sharing blog 
all4mychild shares the creative use of a variety of apps, books (particularly with their books4all analyses) and other strategies to make therapy engaging and effective.

Best teacher blog
Speech Adventures-Speech Therapy, Technology and Humor by Mary Huston (not a teacher technically, but as an individual SLP in the school setting) has in a short time adventured into many interesting territories, including app commentary, RTI, and even the connection between Cher's Burlesque and our tendency to get stuck in our own thought patterns. I love me some Cher and flexible thinking.

Most influential blog post 
Appdapted: Halloween-Themed Apps by Jeremy Legaspi is a tour de force of creative re-purposing of apps, which you probably know is my favorite topic. With 21 examples of how to consider apps' features as related to speech and language objectives, readers are sure to be able to generalize these ideas past October 31.

Best twitter hashtag
#slpeeps, of course, is my go-to hashtag when I have a question or just want to engage with other professionals.

Best free web tool
Domo Animate is one of my favorite web tools to tell people about. Animation=Language, and it's pretty easy to use.

Best educational use of audio / video / visual / podcast 
A.T.TIPSCAST by Chris Bugaj continues to infuse an ever-growing list of high- and low-tech tips with humor and production values, and is geared toward every educator (but we SLPs should arm ourselves with a lot of A.T.TIPS, for sure, in our consultation work). Again, podcasts provide an opportunity for re-claimed drive time.  Listen to Chris on your commute through the free Podcast app.

Best educational wiki
Karen Janowski and Joyce Valenza's UDL Tech Toolkit is a one-stop shop for tools to help any learner access the curriculum.

Best open PD/unconference/webinar series
I have been to a number of Edcamps in the past several years, and these free unconferences, crowdsourcing the knowledge of the attendees themselves, still rival any experience I pay $$$ for.

Best educational use of a social network
Monthly #slpchat events continue to be an excellent reason for SLPs to check out twitter, recently covering such topics as AAC, autism and conference attendance strategies.

Best mobile app 
Toontastic, again, cause Animation=Language, and because Launchpad has continued to develop context and allowed school-based SLPs to access them with the All-access Pass.

Always tough to pick.  Good luck, guys!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

ASHA 2012 Highlights

Like many of us who attended ASHA this week, I still have what is known as the "ASHA Hangover." This does not have to do with consuming adult beverages (though there were a few, I admit) so much as consuming knowledge, walking yards and yards of various carpets and traversing escalators (lots of escalators!) occasionally waiting in long lines, and pretty much talking incessantly leading to my vocal folds going on strike. Exhausting, but a great experience.

My 2 sessions were embarrassingly well attended and I am sorry to anyone who needed to watch from an overflow room or got closed out entirely.  ASHA was very kind to ask me to repeat the sessions on Saturday. Wow.

You can see the handouts here and here.

I attended some great sessions by Sarah Ward, Anthony Bashir, and Bonnie Singer, and as always appreciated the panel discussion on contextual language intervention by Bonnie and Barbara Ehren, Geraldine Wallach, Kerry Howland, et al.  Meeting Barbara Ehren was an SLP Geek-out moment for sure.

Here are some photos from the event:

The Exhibit Hall being put together!

My hotel was near the Olympic torch...and pretty much nothing else. Priceline Fail.

With pals Jeremy The Speech Guy and Easy Speak Magazine's Shareka Bentham, who traveled all the way from Barbados!

Mary Huston of Speech Adventures and Smarty Ears' Barbara Fernandes

Not Real...But Fun.  From ASHA Leader Launch Party for the upcoming redesign.

Helping out at the booth with the Smarty Ears Team!

Did you know? all4mychild's Meghan Graham and Tactus Therapy's Meghan Sutton and I are all BU alums- and I was once their (unnecessary) clinical supervisor? Funny!

What's wrong with this picture? Bathroom problems are infamous at ASHA, and this year was no different!

Hope to see you all in Chicago in 2013!

Friday, November 16, 2012

ASHA Sessions Update

Hi folks,

ASHA has asked me to repeat my two sessions tomorrow as I guess the room and overflows were filled for both. I am so appreciative of people's interest in integrating technology in their work! Please spread the word if you are attending ASHA as I think this information is only available at info desk and the daily update sheet, two resources I doubt people access.


Repeat Session (1084)

1540: Applying Emerging Trends in iPad Apps in Speech-Language Interventions (Repeat Session)

11/17/2012, 8:00am-9:00am



Repeat Session (1042)

1541: Pairing Picture Books with Apps to Contextually Target Language Objectives (Repeat Session)

11/17/2012, 9:30am-10:30am

