
Saturday, January 28, 2012

ATIA Orlando 2012 Presentation

For participants as well as all others, I wanted to share my presentation I am giving at ATIA Orlando this morning.  The presentation is called Links to Content and talks specifically about resources that make curriculum content more interactive and visual and, therefore, more accessible to students with language and other difficulties.  This has always been one of my passions, as I think SLPs (and others) can play a big role in helping students with "entry points" to abstract curriculum topics, and that both web interactives and now mobile apps can provide those accessible (and fun!) contexts.  Here is the link to the presentation, and here is the weblist. In general the apps are identified as apps in the presentation (and have square images!) and you can find those in the App Store, not on the weblist.  When using the weblist, be aware that if you are not a diigo member and signed in, it will bring you to a diigo overlay page when clicking on each link.  Click on the green link at the top of the page to visit the actual resource.


  1. I will be at that presentation unless my presentation (if accepted) will be at the same time.

    1. Hey- THANKS but this was the 2012 pres...I will be there this year tho...
