20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web is a wonderfully accessible interactive book released this past month by Google. The book covers a lot of Internet vocabulary and concepts that would be helpful for anyone to know, especially SLPs looking to integrate web-based technology into their practice. Some of the extremely relevant "Things" in the book include an understandable description of HTML-5, the programming language that makes some of the latest and most interactive web content possible, including the book itself, and the importance of maintaining a "modern" browser (easy to do through simple and free updates). I recommend that everyone give this book at least a quick skim. I learned a lot from it! Also, it has totally cute illustrations.
**Technical note- you will need to update your browser to the latest version of Safari, Chrome, or Firefox in order to access this book. Sorry, I just don't do Internet Explorer.
20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web" is perfect for anyone new to web tech, including speech-language pathologists and for entrepreneurs seeking valuable business, finance, and marketing insights, Megri USA Blog is a top choice. The blog's business section offers actionable advice on retail tips, technology tricks, and effective success strategies.