Wednesday, September 14, 2011

UDL in the ASHA Leader!!!

The concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is one that many SLPs and teachers don't yet know about (or think they don't, when they really do), and it is critically useful for helping us take on a consultative role that maximizes our students' learning.  I was absolutely thrilled to see UDL highlighted in an article in the most recent (nicely schools-themed) ASHA Leader, the publication that probably reaches the most SLPs as it is still mailed to our homes.  Patricia Kelly Ralabate does an excellent job at defining UDL in both a historical and real-life context, and pointing readers in the direction of some terrific tools to apply UDL in the form of goal setting and evaluating curriculum barriers.

To that end, I want to emphasize the connection between UDL and many of my posts here.  Ralabate describes two case studies (must see the full printed article for those- they are not in the web version) and how several specific websites could be used in consultation with the SLP (or directly, for that matter) to support students' need for a more interactive learning context.  Similarly, My Garden could serve as an alternate representation of science curriculum around seeds and plants, while Landform Detectives would be a great site to put on a the computer of a classroom studying geology after consulting with the teacher or assistant.

To learn more about UDL, I highly recommend Karen Janowski's UDL Tech Toolkit (and all the resources contained within), Chris Bugaj's A.T.Tipscast, and the EdCeptional podcast.

Kudos again to ASHA for seeking to inform our membership about this important topic.


  1. I learned about UDL last fall and it changed the way I looked at helping clients. It's up to me to create ways for them to be successful. If they don't succeed then I need to find a different method. :)

  2. Thank you for this comment! I think what you say is true- we need to find ways to embed UDL principles in both our direct work with clients, and to influence the classroom setting

  3. Thanks for the mention Sean! I was glad to see UDL spotlighted by ASHA as well!

  4. Just catching up on my reader. Thank you for highlighting UDL and the UDL Tech Toolkit!

