Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fake iPhone Text

Fake iPhone Text is a website you can use to enter in a short dialogue and produce a fake screenshot as if the conversation was texted on an iPhone.  Way cool, especially considering the popularity of Apple Products among kids.  Here I created a dialogue between the Pigeon (of Mo Willem's wonderful Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus) and a kid:

And here's the result:

When the conversation is generated, you can save the URL (web address) for future use
What a simple and motivating way to work on language skills such as sentence structure, characterization, and conversation!  Besides having kids create a dialogue between characters in a book, this site could also be used to develop skills of commenting, questioning, and digital communication.  

What other ways do you think you could use this site to develop language skills?

Thanks to blogger Larry Ferlazzo for featuring this site.


  1. You have beautifully maintained it,Its really helpful

    for me, hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more

    new post. Keep Blogging!

    Vertical Jump Bible

  2. On you can add fake text to signs people are holding & other things.

  3. Her: Promise you won’t tell anyone?
    Me: Sure. What?
    Her: Pinky Swear?
    Me: Ok.
    Her: No. For it to work you have to pretend we actually have our pinkies locked and kiss it. Ready 1, 2, 3…
    Me: This is dumb. So what do you want to tell me?
    Her: I ate a burger.

